I checked out early today and went to cooking school.
I also wanted to do grocery shopping, so I applied for the morning slot.
I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to catch a car because it was close to Shangri-La, but I called Grab and it worked.
I gave you 100 baht in cash.
Later, I will take that shopping cart and go shopping with the teacher.
Here, we only confirm reservations and prepare the food in another building after shopping.
The products for sale are on display and they are very cute.
There were a lot of people today so we were divided into two teams.
Get a shopping cart and a bottle of water and head to the market~!!.
We bought the ingredients for today and put them in each basket.
Please also explain how to select fresh ingredients.
These are the decorative flowers I put in my daughter’s basket.
The teacher also bought snacks.
We all bought a glass of Chatramu together^^But~I saw in a review that you could take a tuk-tuk, so I walked.
I was anxious because my daughter is vulnerable to heat.
Sure enough, it exploded once.
☹️I scolded him quietly.
The teacher was also worried because my daughter’s expression was not good.
They said it was okay because it was puberty.
Once I got into the cool place, I felt better and proceeded well.
The ingredients I had purchased and the ingredients to be used in today’s class were well prepared.
You take the required amount of ingredients for each dish from the ingredient basket, prepare them, put them on your individual ingredient plate, and then go downstairs to cook.
This is Tom Yum Goong ingredient~.
이렇게 아래층 각 개인 화구에서 요리해요.
만들어진 재료는 개인 접시에 담아서 다시 위층으로 올라와서 먹습니다.
똠양꿍, 팟타이, 그린커리는 직접 요리하고쏨땀, 망고 스티키 라이스는 선생님이 대표로 만드십니다.
직접 요리하는 음식은 모두 윗층에서 재료 손질아래층에서 볶고 끓이고 합니다.
각 음식별로 고수나 고추는 각자 원하는대로 넣어서 조절할 수 있어요.
완성된 음식은요~~.
음식이 다 맛있더라구요~끝나면 레시피북, 젓가락, 코끼리 지갑 선물로 주십니다.
요거 받고 각자 해산입니다.
돌아올때는 쿠킹스쿨 나와서 오른쪽 길로 가다 갈림길에서 왼쪽으로 돌아 나오면 탑스 마트 보이는 건물 나오는데 그 건물 통과해서 정문으로 나오면 큰 길이에요.
길 건너 세븐일레븐에서 그랩 잡아타고 호텔 잘 도착했습니다.
올때는 116밧 나왔네요.
칼은 많이 안 쓰니 아이 동반 충분히 가능할 것 같구요,그래도 진짜 식칼이라 도와주시긴 해야해요.
영어로 수업이 진행되지만 한국 사람들 많이 참여하는 만큼 중간중간 한국말도 하세요^^특별하고 즐거운 경험이었습니다.